Thursday, June 14, 2007

It's the job

1 more hour then it’s 5pm! Yey! Freedom!

I am testing a third system now and it’s the best one by far in a sense that it’s got way cooler features than the other two. I am eager to get this one up and running smoothly because I think it will be an awesome update to the existing system. Not only would it remedy a lot of the existing issues, it would also make it a lot more efficient and less time consuming to use.

Okay, I know I’m speaking programmer again. So I’m gonna stop myself before I start getting real technical and bore you to death.

My work calendar for next week is filling up faster than I can say “shoot me”. It’s not all that bad… it will keep me occupied and will make the days go by faster but at the same time, it’s guaranteed to be exhausting.

Another thing to look forward to is the fact that Mr. Pres will be flying out and will most likely be gone for several weeks. The sad thing is, he’ll be replaced with people who I don’t like either. There’s just no winning this situation. Hmpf.

I really have to look into playing the Lottery soon…

1 comment:

Sj said...

It's nice though to read from someone who feels good about the work they are doing AT work. Not that I feel bad about mine.. just not GOOD! lol