Thursday, June 28, 2007


I lost my iPod the other day. I think I may have put it down in the dressing room in one of the stores I went to but I can’t be sure. I only went to three different places and I must’ve put it down somewhere and just forgot about it. By the time I realized I didn’t have it with me, an hour had gone by and when I retraced my steps, it led me nowhere. I knew I wouldn’t find it anyways because it’s very unlikely that someone would find an iPod and return it. But still, I was hopeful.

So there you go, my iPod is gone and although I’ve had it for over a year, it was still worth a bit of money when I bought it and now all that money I spent has gone down the toilet. Although I am sure I have a copy of most of the songs I’ve collected, I am still sad about the fact that there are some songs I had ripped off someone else’s CDs and now I don’t have them anymore. I would have to either re-download or purchase it off iTunes.

Anyhoo, I was already pondering on the amunt of money I would need to save so I can buy a new iPod. But last night, Steve gave me a video iPod! YAY! It was so sweet of him. I was really touched. I had started putting songs in it but as of today I only have 200 plus songs and I will have to look for other songs.

I may have lost my iPod but I have a very thoughtful Steve.


Anonymous said...

damn video ipods....argh

k a r e n said...


It's nice when you have a long subway ride but they tend to eat your battery life by a bit.