Thursday, November 02, 2006


I’m back at my desk… FYI, I was sitting in the boardroom for close to 3 hours doing nothing. No, correction, I was talking and joking around with our VP, my boss, and the sales guys so it’s not like I was there doing absolutely nothing right? (grin)

I just finished opening an e-mail from Tina. I was too spooked out to watch the video by myself so I coaxed my co-worker into sitting beside me and us watching it together. I would have died had the sound been on. Ha!

I must admit I’m such a baby when it comes to horror films and spooky stuff. I will go to a scary movie and spend half the time looking at everything BUT the screen or burying my face on Jerry’s shoulder and then asking him afterwards what happened (Jerry will attest to this =P). The thing is, my imagination just gets the best of me. When I go home at night and I’m alone in my room trying to fall asleep, I will think of every imaginable horrifying thing that might come out to get me. Or when I’m in the shower I’d be so scared to close my eyes for fear that when I open them I’ll see a ghost or something (I’d be so scared I’d rather risk getting soap in my eyes than close them). Another thing that keeps me up at night is the fear of dreaming about something that I saw in the horror film. I can’t control my dreams so that really scares me (I’m really scared of dreaming about being stuck inside the Silent Hill movie – it’s just way too creepy for me!). I tried watching the Exorcist and I only saw 10 mins of it and then turned it off. I watched The Grudge (the Japanese version) at noontime so it was bright and sunny and I my dad was nearby and that part where the girl was crawling down the stairs had me screaming and running for my dad. Back home I shared my bedroom with my brothers and I used to wake my brother up in the middle of the night because I needed to go to the bathroom and I needed him to wait for me outside the bathroom until I finish (I don’t do this anymore by the way in case you were wondering… I just turn all the lights on! LOL). How embarassing is that?!

It must be in the genes… I mean nobody in my family is brave enough to sit through a scary movie without flinching except for my dad (lame exuse I know).


Marieseda said...

Here's what's funny. I was totally going to share the story of what I did to Elisabeth with The Ring and laughed my butt off to see she'd already told you.

When I was in grade 6 or 7 for one of my friends birthdays a group of like 15 of us watched this movie called The Dolls or Dolls. My friend and I gathered all the dolls she and her sisters had around the house and right as the dolls in the movie go to kill the main characters we threw all the dolls we'd collected into the group of kids watching the movie. (I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe).

Another time I watched the movie "I Know What You did Last Summer" in the theatre with some friends. As the movie is about to end the guy beside me leans over to tell me it sucked and wasn't that scary, at the same time the killer jumps out of the shower at the very end and the guy jumped and screamed like a little girl. Again, they almost needed to give me oxygen I laughed so hard.

k a r e n said...

Tina you're bad! You'd kill me if you ever did that to me (i guess by saying this, it would only give you all the more reason to get me LOL).

Jerry and I recently saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning and it was too much for me. I had to look away during the parts where they cut the people apart.. it's disgusting!

k a r e n said...

Saw 3 came out already and I know Jerry wants to see it... I just don't know if I do. After the last Saw movie we went to, I'm having second thoughts about seeing it.