Monday, November 13, 2006

something on a post-it

The other day I was training a client over the phone and I wrote the following lines on a piece of post-it. I’m very bad at writing poems. I can write essays anytime but I suck at poems.

I am a butterfly
A cloud in the sky
I am here one minute
And gone before you know it
I am hiding in thecupboard
Or sleeping under a tree
Sometimes I am lazy
Othertimes busy as a bee
I am lying on a beach
Gazing at the sea
I am jumping on a puddle
Dancing in the rain

I don’t know why I was writing it or what I was thinking of. Ijust started writing andthis is what came out. It doesn’t make any sense but it’s very rare that I would write something like it (eventhough it’s very bad) so I wanted to keep it here. =P

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