Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Crazy enough to go?

Busy, busy, busy. There are days when I feel like I go to work to do nothing and then there are days when I’m so busy I barely have time to eat. It’s so weird…

The other day Jerry and I were watching TV when the ad for the Amazing Race came on. He suddenly turned to me and said, “We should do that… I think we’d do well…” and I replied with a, “Uh huh… you really think so? I think there’s a high chance you might have to carry me several times…”

I don’t watch it on a regular basis. Ok, more like, I only watched a total of 5 episodes of all the Amazing Race shows (my apologies to the avid fans out there.) I used to follow Survivor but got tired of it after awhile (again, my apologies to the avid fans out there). On those rare occasions when I did watch some episodes, I did think of what it would be like if I was on it.

If I were on Survivor, these are the things that could possibly happen to me:

- die of hunger
- get seriously hurt trying to do a stunt
- get seriously hurt trying to find something to eat
- cry like a baby
- get into a catfight (not very likely but I could get very upset and start a fight)
- embarass myself in front of millions of people by doing/saying something stupid on TV
- get eliminated (and I can think of several reasons why)

and if I were on The Amazing Race, these are the things that could possibly happen:

- die of exhaustion
- get extremely cranky due to exhaustion
- cry like a baby
- get into a big fight with my partner over something very stupid
- get into a big fight with my partner over something that's not stupid
- get into a fight with another couple
- embarass myself in front of fmillions of people by doing/saying something stupid on TV
- get eliminated

The way I see it, I'm doomed either way.

But knowing myself, I can't help but wonder... I mean after all, I have done some pretty amazing things in my life. Nothing major or overly big but I have been able to survive highschool and university (and we all know how challenging that can be...or maybe not), I've managed to embarass myself and survived, I've gotten into fights (nothing big either) but I survived, I've had my share of sleepless nights and survived, I've gotten hurt (both physically and emotionally) and survived, I've skipped meals before and I didn't die, I've found myself under pressure and high stress situations before and managed to keep my cool... so... with that said, I think that although my chances are pretty slim, I still have a fighting chance. No matter how small that may be.

I may not win but it it sure will be one hell of an experience right?

What if Jerry asked me to join? I'd probably be just crazy enough to actually go!


Sj said...
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Sj said...

The big thing that sticks out to me on these shows is that no matter what you do they can and might just edit things to LOOK as if something is happening. To make stress etc depending on how people respond to you during the showing of each episode.

k a r e n said...

I don't doubt that for a second.