Thursday, December 28, 2006

at work in the middle of the holiday season

I can’t believe Christmas is already over. Everything just goes by in such a blur. I always feel sad right after Christmas… it just seems like such a long time until the next one!

So here I am, sitting at my desk at work doing nothing (except for this, checking e-mails, and Friendster). I still can’t believe I have to work today…it just ruins the holiday mood.

I am so sleepy right now

I honestly feel like crawling under my desk to take a nap.I shouldn’t even be here since I don’t have anything to do.

The party at the Jacobs’ was fun! Too bad Jerry had to go home a bit earlier than me to catch the train home. It was the first time I played Taboo and I loved it so much that now I’m thinking of getting it for myself. I looovvveee playing boardgames! Jerry seems to love them too. In fact, we recently bought Monopoly and we’ve been playing it for several days now. It’s been such a long time since I last played Monopoly and it brings back fun memories from my childhood.:)

I’m dying to get paid. I’m so broke right now and I need to do a bit of shopping. I should feel bad about being broke and all but I don’t because it felt good to spend for other people.

I saw the preview for a scary movie that’s about to come out (sorry, I can’t remember the title). I knew I should’ve looked away as soon as the preview came on but my curiousity got the better of me and I ended up watching the whole thing which only lasted a few seconds but enough to give me the creeps. I woke up this morning and it was still dark and I was the only one up and I started thinking about that damn preview and successfully managed to scare myself. Good thing Jerry called and I asked him if it was ok if he stayed on the line until I finished getting ready for work. Silly, I know, but I feel better that way. This is why I hate watching scary movies.


Sj said...

Or..that's why Jerry is awesome


Suzy said...

Its kind of interesting being refered to as "the jacobs" lol , I haven't played monopoly in years. I wonder how I would play it now cuz as a kid all I cared about was having hotels on the expensive streets and watch ppl pay.. from what I remember there wasn't much strategy. I wonder what I'd do now..

k a r e n said...

I actually had to read the rules first before playing coz I've forgotten them already. When I was young, like you, I only cared about the money and it never really struck me as a strategy game. But playing it now made me realize that having a strategy really I know that there are lots that are cheap so the rent is also cheap w/c could seem like a disadvantage to you but if you look closely, you'll notice it's much easier to buy a hotel on those lots and the rent for a hotel in them is so much more that owning them really works to you advantage.

Anyway, it was Jerry who started calling you "the Jacobs"... we thought it was