Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Christmas is just around the corner! How fast is that?! It seems yesterday I was telling myself Christmas is still a few weeks away and then everything went by in such a blur! Jerry and I have found ourselves scrambling for some last minute Christmas shopping.

Today I checked my e-mail and was surprised to find 2 e-mails from one of my professors from college. Both e-mails were e-cards he sent me and I felt bad for not checking my yahoo e-mail more often. I could've replied sooner. It's funny because I am closer to him now than I was back then during college. Although we don't write often, we try our best to keep each other posted.

I thought this week would be fairly easy at work since it's getting closer to the holidays but I was wrong. I've been swamped since the beginning of the week and I feel so tired at the end of the day that I always fall asleep on the train home. I haven't been listening to my iPod on the train because lately I've had several occasions where I almost missed my stop. I would fall asleep and because I had music on, I couldn't hear the driver announce the stops. So, I thought maybe if I don't listen to music, it would lessen the probability of me missing me stop. LOL...

I've been looking at e-cards and found some really cute ones. I almost feel like adding an e-card to my page as a widget. It would look silly though and I don't even know how to add it yet. I would surely miss the Christmas decorations I've added to this page.

Since Christmas is fast approaching, I decided to give myself a treat my getting my nails done. It's not often I would get them done but today I felt like it and so I went. I don't know why but it sure took forever for it to dry and when I tried to wear my coat, I accidentally caught a nail and let's just say one of my nails are a bit ruined. So much for getting my nails done and ruining it right before I even leave the place. Such is the life of a Ms. Anna Karina.

I was thinking of buying a new phone but it's a bit impractical right now so I've decided to wait on it until I have some spare cash. My phone still works anyway and although it's not the best phone out there, it still does what I need it to do.

I got home today and JR went in my room to tell me Miguel ate the chips I bought for work. Instead of being angry, I found myself laughing. You see, I already expected it to happen. So the way the story goes is that Miguel was looking for a snack and JR told him to grab food from the kitchen. Miguel then sees the bag of potato chips I bought specifically to bring to work for our 'thing' on Friday. Miguel opens the bag, eats the chips and even finds the dip that I also bought. Daddy arrives home from work and asks Miguel what he had for snacks. Miguel tells daddy he ate the chips he found together with the dip. Mommy overhears Miguel tell daddy he ate the chips with the dip and mommy then says, "hala, maybe he ate the chips Karen bought for work!" Of course he did! So Miguel then blames JR for telling him to look for a snack in the kitchen. Brothers!

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