Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Church Bells A' Ringing!

Nowadays, it seems everyone is either getting married or having a baby. I almost feel as if a memo was sent out and I somehow didn't get it. I am by no means bitter. In fact, I am extremely happy for them. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm suprised by how fast time flies. Just yesterday we were still in college figuring what the hell we were going to do for our thesis. And now, they're busy planning for a wedding and some are having a baby. A BABY! Wow, I don't even know if I'm ready for one. I need to find a husband first!

Just the other day I was chatting with L and S and L told us that one of our classmates recently got married and is currently expecting a baby.

"Which came first?" S asked.

"I don't know. I didn't ask. I didn't think it was appropriate" L replied.

"Really huh? anu ba yan, huli nako sa balita" was all I could say.

Sure, I knew eventually we'll settle down and have families of our own. I just never expected it to be so soon. Ok, more like I didn't expect anything before the age of 25. I don't even know why I have an age in mind or why that age for that matter. It's just there.

I can't wait to see them, meet their husbands, hold their babies. It's weird and amazing at the same time. One minute you're sitting in class, learning programming 101 and every now and then imagining who's going to marry who and what your children will look like. And now? Now, we can actually see! Ain't that something?

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