Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Photogenic? I don't think so

I was reading Tina’s post entitled “Say Cheese” and I have to admit I, myself, am not photogenic. Of course my parents refuse to believe this and to this day still take pictures of me and my bros.

I’ve got tons of pictures since the day I was born (literally!). My dad started taking pictures of me even before I came out of the hospital. Looking back at those pictures taken during my childhood years, even the ones where I had missing teeth, I thought they were all great. But for some reason when I reached my teenage years, I thought my pictures started looking pretty bad. I don’t know if my pictures are just being taken from the wrong angle or maybe the wrong light but as the number of horrible pictures increase, I start to doubt it’s the photographer’s fault… I think it’s the camera itself! LOL! Kidding aside, I really am starting to believe I’m not meant for pictures eventhough I love being in them. Unlike other people where you can take pictures of them and they all turn out great all the time.

But you know what, maybe I won’t think they’re all that horrible when I grow older…. Or atleast I hope so!


Marieseda said...

I'm telling you it's the baby teeth!!

k a r e n said...

LOL! I think you're right! =P It's definitely the baby teeth!

Sj said...

I have seen some great photos of you though!

k a r e n said...

Awww..thanks Steve!