Thursday, January 18, 2007

Great songs, Great Album

Ok, I have to say this and I'm only going to say this once...

I love Stacie Orrico's new album entitled Beautiful Awakening!

Whew! There I said it.

If you knew me, you would know I hardly say I love a certain album. Most of the time I find I only really like a few songs out of the normal 11-15 songs in the entire disk. To narrow it down even further for you, I normally just like 3-5 songs. So, if I find that the number of songs I like is significantly more than the ones I don't like, the said album will get a compliment from me.


Anonymous said...

BIIM new album is a great album with great songs!!!

k a r e n said...

I know Anon! =)

I actually downloaded some songs from the BIIM album although I must say they were pretty hard to find. Love Perfect Love Song!